Thursday, November 27, 2008


The perception of insecurity is still a serious problem in the Mexico. The majority of people surveyed said that insecurity is still the main problem in poor countries, as they believe that there is a high or very high possibility that they could become a crime victim.
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico as is the case for many other Latin American. Drug trafficking and organized crime has also been a major source of violent crime in Mexico.
Mexico has experienced increasingly high crime rates, especially in major urban centers. The country's great economic polarization has stimulated criminal activity in the lower socioeconomic strata, which includes the majority of the country's population. Crime continues at high levels, and is repeatedly marked by violence, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Michoacán and the state of Sinaloa.
As we know, there is nothing more precious than family safety and unity. The better the communication that exists among all members of your family, the more prepared everybody will be to prevent crime. Children are exposed to easily preventable dangers if they are not properly trained by their parents. Here we have some of the most important recommendations that you will teach to your children, using this security recommendations you can be sure that you will better protect your children, whether they are at home or around town.
Children, as well as domestic employees, must be taught never to admit strangers into your home or car.
Very visibly list your local emergency numbers near your telephones and on the refrigerator.
Starts by listing your own work phone, cellular number, remember that The Mexico City Police can be reached by dialing 060 or 061; this includes fire and ambulance service.
Children and domestic employees must be able to provide - in case of an emergency - their names, complete home address, district and delegation, and phone number. They should memorize this information.
When answering the phone, instead of providing their names, children and employees should say "Bueno," or hello. Ask "¿Con quién quiere hablar?" ("Who do you want to speak to?") Never volunteer your address or the names of anyone that lives with you.
Teenagers must be told that the use of drugs in Mexico is strictly forbidden and that drug laws are firmly enforced. Mexico has the largest population anywhere in the world (other than the U.S.) of foreign prisoners serving sentences for drug crimes. Impress these facts on them.
Warn teenagers against clubs that serve alcohol to minors, and also of the risk of being served drugs mixed with their drinks. Most kids nowadays are internet-educated.
Three rules apply here:
First, they should never agree to meet anybody they met via the internet, no matter what age they claim to be.
Second, they should never disclose details about their physical location, unless it is with people they know and trust.
Third, they should report anything that is disturbing or offensive in the internet to their parents. Emergencies and Your Neighbors the more well-known you become with your neighbors the better। should your home, children or leased property ever be in any danger and these people will prove invaluable. They may extend a helping hand or simply notify you of suspicious activity.
Now another important point, is the security in our home, our house has to be secure. Crime prevention at home is its own unique area of security specialization. The more attention you give this issue now, the more capable you will be in preventing problems in thefuture.Before you move in to your new place, it is important that you conduct a survey of potential security improvements you can make to your residence, whether it is an apartment or a house. Make a copy of the list below to assist you. If these improvements are found to be necessary, then your employer may be able to require the landlord to make them, preferably before the lease is signed.Physical barriers. Check that security bars on doors or windows are in good condition. Examine other deterrents to illegal entry that exist on the premises, including door and window locks.Perimeter security, including the use of guards. A dog can be useful for additional intruder detection.Communications. Whether in the form of a cellular phone, land line or radio, dependable communication is essential in the event of an emergency.Alarms may be useful. However, they require continued maintenance and are not always reliable.Become familiar with your neighborhood. Identify your closest emergency services and make sure all family members know what to do and are familiar with dialing procedures to ask for medical assistance or police.Domestic Employees this is an area that requires special attention in residential security. When hiring domestic help, we recommend that, whether or not the employee comes from a reputable company or via a reliable friend, you ask for his/her date and place of birth, home address, telephone number, and the names of close relatives who you could call in case of an emergency. Also, insist that employees provide letters of recommendation that cover at least 5-7 years of prior work experience. Make sure that you call or write to the previous employers to confirm these references. Also, you should ask the people giving the references for suggestions on how to establish a good rapport with the employee.Domestic employees will become a vital part of your family and, the better informed you are about their past, the more peace of mind you will have when you leave your family and property in their care. Treating them as a family member will facilitate this, so create the means for better communication. Tell them what you like and dislike and your policy on visitors. In your absence, they need input from you on how to react, and how to assist your children, in case of an emergency. They must have crime prevention in mind if your children are under their responsibility.
At the present time the insecurity has been increasing the drug traffickers have been taking over our city each time we hear more cases of murders and kidnappings in which the majority of the people are young. Because of this, there have been some recommendations from the Municipal Police Department have been issuing some Security recommendations, which we share below:
If you mark the high unit of the Army, or AFI PFP: 1. Lower the speed of your vehicle 2. Lights flashing lights for the 'alert' that will address the so-called 3. Light turns on the interior and put your two hands on the wheel visibly 4. Bring in your vehicle only things needed to do more quickly review 5. Cooperate at all times with the federal forces and maintain calm 6. If there is Security Forces or Army Convoy in circulation, avoids possible to exceed these vehicles at high speed 7. Always brings identification in case you may be required 8. Avoid the main avenues in peak hours or peak vehicular If you mark the high unit with a recent model unknown armed commando (commonly Suburban, Tahoe, Durango) 9. Stop immediately, don´t run away, or try to evade the high, you can be confused and shoot, and (commonly these people (assassins) are not sure whether or not it is his victim, preferring to ensure the high marcarte and if that is what it is, ‘lift’ 10. Turn the light inside and put their hands up, keep calm, do not put on the defensive, as they 'go' to what they will and the lowest rate can irritate the unrest by making them lose their patience and thus 'act'. 11. Usually you are asked to sign you, do it without hesitation (remember that anything that fears nothing should) and show your passport or identification. 12. NO question or talk, answer what you ask no more talk of more. (Commonly: where you live? Do you do? Who is the vehicle? Etc.)13. Though it may seem incredible the assassins NEVER are mistaken to be safe that their victimizer is aboard the vehicle, in case of doubt, prefer to stop for sure. If you don´t be the person they let you go.14. Avoid exposing and possibly not leave late at night, if so, passes through places with traffic, and lighting systems. Avoid shortcuts. If these are near where a confrontation:
15.Tight soil and cover your head with both hands, if such a vehicle, throw yourself to the floor of the unit and seeks to protect children if they are you do not go out running of the unit, can be confused with a criminal fleeing the scene of the crime. 16. Something important to remember is that we must work together again in these revisions, because they are preventive and targeted guards our security. 17. Avoid exposing and possibly not leave late at night. 18. We hope that this situation is resolved soon, but while it lasts, Stay informed and vigilant at all times.19. Please share this information with staff that lack access NOTE: The civilian population is NOT the targets of these attacks, damage to civilians are caused fortuitously found at the sites confrontation. Your security is important to us, please follow the recommendations issued and recalled that in your house and your job.
These recommendations are primarily for young people who do not measure the consequence of their actions, and also have been attacking places like nightclubs, bars etc.
The following is an article which reported the acts that have recently happened in such places in deferments states of the Republic:
Last week, the day on October 4 Tiger alerted the authorities that a black van with tinted windows passed meters back of patrols every 15 minutes starting around 8pm, from that moment began to leave to spend a little patrols until recently quit, then almost at 2am, out of the van MING black doors opened, leaving her four Central Americans who went to two women at the point of shrapnel, one 19 and another 20, leaving them in that MING time, unfortunately still missing, reward for calling them, are daughters of middle-class family, the two families have received 2 packages until today, the first containing a little finger, the second contained the complete left hand, sliced from the wrist. Last Tuesday in the home straight to Cholula two black vans will move to shut down a Peugeot 306, was a family, the father of her disfigured face with the cache of machine gun, the mother had two stab wounds deep in the English and preventing could get standing, the child has been kidnapped in the same Peugeot stolen, the parents told the newspaper that everything happened so fast that they were unable or call 066 by cell phone, there is still no news of the baby. We all know that this cannot continue happening, we must be very careful, because we cannot go out and have fun with dens. LOS ZETAS Guerrillas are Central Americans from El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, etc ... are people who have participated in warfare, that means we have much experience in torturing people, using weapons and deal with the government. Like everybody, you know very well who they are and what is THE ZETAS its Modus Operandi, the latest news we have had to have been supported by the Police, Government of Puebla, so you have access to file federal returns as the dens, and other people, therefore there is a good eye on BARGUILAZO since, in this' dive 'very well know that children are literally, are easy prey, children of wealthy folks, THE ZETAS are well aware, have seen come out thence to girls under the age of 15 years, they know who rape, kidnapping and stabbed. BARGUILAZO to prevent this slaughter always check the bags of women seeking to remove cigarettes, using as a pretext because the new law ANTI-SNUFF, THE ZETAS enter the dens, who are carefully observed breaking the law, Bone, who are smoking, and the merged into the bathroom to pick back of knife, whether it is male or female, you say: 'Your violas the right of nonsmokers in the same way you break us to you' stop beating up unconscious, rape, drugs this has happened in several dens in Puebla like Boutique. Living with fear is NOT LIVE, but better to prevent In the UDLA I know some events that have been presented since it arrived in Puebla LOS ZETAS nearly two months ago. Not that much is true, but the step ... And abducted three boys, two of them in Angelopolis of 14 years and one in the crosswalk of the IBERO in broad daylight, and so many percent of the more affluent families of Puebla who are on a list to the government of Cholula hand to make chaos and in Veracruz, Monterrey and Tijuana. If you think that by being a family or people from middle class, upper-middle are acquitted, they are wrong! Last week we were in a notorious den of Cholula which they take the youth who they like, and those who violate see them because we do not have, if they go with a boyfriend or friends, everything is as easy as giving them a shot , And is the least of which are carried cell phones and all that, a kid from a well-known college in Puebla was maimed and his remains were thrown into the vacant spaces are located behind the dens of Cholula and a couple more had their throats slit, without Unofficial reports added. TIPS: 1. Be tolerant. If you're driving and you see someone who loves you come to exceed or, grab a hand, you do not know who he is, or why is his hurry. Stop fighting because somebody is encouraging the trafficking or because you're closed, better take a deep breath, count to 10, and RATE YOUR LIFE. 2. Be careful. Frequenting bars, clubs, dances tables, is no longer safe. Drug trafficking has taken over these places, and at any time can get to dive in and you're close. Better talk to your friends that frequent and begin to meet to have fun at the home of acquaintances. 3. It was humble. We know that we lack humility Poblano, PIPOPES us, we like to show off what we have and show that we are wealthy ... well, at least the majority. Well, this time asking us to stop being so. If you have money ... that good for you, but try not to yell at 4 winds with BMW or wasting your money in a restaurant, etc.. The zetas are very determined and really go around looking for people with money who can pay a juicy rescue. 4. be cautious. In these times to be brave has their consequence. If you see someone you know or are doing harm to someone where they have kidnapped. BUT ... you don’t talk by your cell phone or a local. Use a pay phone and spoke on anonymity. 5. It was nimble. If you're in your car in the middle of a shootout, down to the floor of the vehicle and cover your head with both hands, if you have children inside the car, take it, strong and cover him down with them. If you're walking and you go somewhere like shooting, do not go out running because you can confuse the better tight to the ground and cover your head with both hands. 6. It was smart. Drug trafficking also owns the dirty business, such as piracy. Stop buying piracy, but you reach the money to buy an original CD then go to an internet cafe and get your music, but do not buy CDs. pirates to buy it because supporting the economy of these individuals.
7. Are reserved. Shut your mouth in public places and not talk 'that crime in Puebla until you have the forelock!’... Or that 'you know where the zetas' ... that' you do something to stop crime '... no friends ... no longer know who got next to you on the restaurant, at a Mass in the park ... better reserve your comments and let the "authorities" do their job. 8. Be careful. If you have children who are not even of legal age and love to get out, it's time to ban the exits after 9 pm, the mob loves to operate at night, will give you breaks.9. It was suspicious. We no longer know who we are neighbors, who draw us talk or who are our customers. Better try not to socialize at the moment with people who do not know, we do not know what their intentions. 10. It was subtle. Post your photos on Facebook, Hi5, MySpace ... it's fun, but try not to publish photos from your last trip to Europe, or you’re lucky to have gone to support the Mexicans in the Olympics in China, or the convertible car that ... Until you bought on the internet are investigating the owners of the other and there are going to realize how you are going to ... you or your family. This post comes from Monterrey, Puebla and expected passage by traveling thousands of emails from people who live unsafe. Feel free to resend it and conscience to someone else, times have changed, if the authorities do nothing, we will have to start with this.

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