Monday, November 24, 2008

Reviews (Second draft)

José Antonio
The Bucket List

Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have three months life remaining?

Edward Cole (Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Freeman) are two people completely different. Edward is a multibillionaire hospital magnate, four times divorced, who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal servant Mathew, Carter is an amateur historian family man who wanted to become a history professor but now is working as a mechanic. They have only one thing in common, they’re dying of cancer. They met for first time in hospital after both have been diagnosed with
cancer. During their stance in the hospital they become very good friends and soon they will go on board in a globe-trotting adventure.

Carter begins writing a "bucket list," things to do before "he kicks the bucket" or die. After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter thrown it on the floor. When Matthew comes in the next morning and picks it up with other things that are on the floor and showed to Edward. Then Cole reads it and pushes Carter by suggesting other things to do and despite the protest of his wife Virginia Carter agrees

The pair begins an all around the world vacation and during the trip they discuss about faith and family and learn things about each other while the days pass carter discover that he is feeling less in love with his wife and Cole is very sad by his estrangement with is daughter

This is a film with a special message about friendship, find enjoy each day as the last one.

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive was directed by David Lynch in 2001. This movie exhibits elements of film noir and surrealism. The story may not be linear and exhibits several instances of temporal disruption.

After a car accident in Mulholland Drive, a dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) escapes her own murder. Then she sneaks into an apartment, where an aspiring actress named Betty Elms is arriving from Canada. The dark-haired woman, who assumes the name "Rita" is amnesic, so Betty decides to assist her in discovering her identity. Later on they fall in love.

Rita starts to remember names like "Diane Selwyn" and the Club Silencio. There are two important characters: a Hollywood director named Adam Kesher, who is directing a film where Camilla Rhodes is the star, and a mysterious figure called The Cowboy.

The story changes drastically when a blue box and a key show up. From this moment, Betty seems to be Diane, Rita is Camilla and she is in love with Adan, so Diane wants to kill her and when apparently she gets his objective, she shoots herself.

This movie is really amazing and it’s necessary that you keep your attention in each one of the details in order to understand it. However, after watching the movie, you will have a lot of doubt.
If you want to get some clues, you could access to the official web page:


Will Smith stars as Detective Del Spooner in the high-tech thriller I, ROBOT, suggested by the book of short stories by visionary author Isaac Asimov. In the year 2035, technology and robots are a trusted part of everyday life. In this film, that trust is broken and only one man, alone against the system, sees it coming.
I, ROBOT employ spectacular visual effects innovations beyond any ever before put on screen to bring a world of robots to life. The character of Sonny, a special robot who holds the key to a murder -- and perhaps the survival of the human race -- represents the cutting edge in photorealism. Indeed, Sonny is the most realistic, emotionally complete, three-dimensional CGI character ever created on film.
This movie is directed by Alex Proyas (“Dark City,” “The Crow”), who creates an extraordinary future Chicago -- circa 2035 -- where robots are completely integrated into society. Bridget Moynahan stars opposite Will Smith, as the robot psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin. Bruce Greenwood plays Lawrence Robertson, the corporate head of U.S. Robotics, and Chi McBride portrays Spooner’s boss and friend Lt. John Bergin. Actor Alan Tudyk’s physical performance inspired the digital creation of the robot Sonny. James Cromwell plays the pivotal role of the brilliant and reclusive scientist Dr. Alfred Lanning.

The mix between technology and fiction is being a reality in our life, despite of the movie was located in 2035, is so difficult to think about the robots like Sonny, but for then, the most probably it’s the society is going to adapted living with several kind of robots.
But, the main topic in this film is the form of to create and interact with machines made for us. Maybe, in the near future, for 2050, when I was a citizen, I could to have a robot that is able of to drive, to cook, clean the house and that kind of things and never complains or claim for something.
But in the next years, even actually, people are in contact permanent with some kind of artificial intelligence. Many companies had been using machines and robots for the production of a good in the worldwide, and his workers must to hand it up for to become a part of a final product. So, we need to think about our reality and the development in this topic.

This Film is not already a science fiction, is a reality that is happening in the world. We need robots; we need technology and investigation for to create brains with feelings and intelligence. Whoever can to see this movie, and to think what could be our future for 2050.

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