Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reviews (First draft)

Jose Antonio
The Bucket List
Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have three months life remaining?

Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) are two people completely different Edward is a multibillionaire hospital magnate, a corporate tycoon, eccentric loner, four times divorced, who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal servant, and Carter is a mechanic but they have only one thing in common, they’re dying of cancer. They met for first time in hospital after both have been diagnosed with cancer. After meting in a hospital during their therapy sessions, they become very good friends and go on board in a globe-trotting adventure. Carter is an amateur historian and family man who had wanted to become a history professor. Both are diagnosed with a year or less to live. Carter begins writing a "bucket list," or things to do before "he kicks the bucket" or die. After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter thrown it on the floor. When Matthew comes in the next morning and picks it up with other things that are on the floor. Then Cole reads it and pushes Carter by suggesting other things to do and despite the protest of his wife carter agrees and then the pair begin their around the world vacations.

It’s unclear how carter has the money to solve his insurance with a mechanic salary but it doesn’t mid for Edward now is the time for “now or never” it’s time to do all the things they planned before the times up. They have a lot of work to do: go to the south of France and have some caviar, skydiving and drive vintage race cars, enjoy an African safari and have a lot of funs, this is a big challenge for two terminal ill men.

This movie I a good chance to have a little time to have fun and will make you laugh until the end. This is a good comedy about your last days before dying, what would you do? Go to a special place? What about doing things that you never attempted to do? Nobody has an insurance life we never know what the future is preparing for us, so, think about it.

This is a film with a special message: The true friendship and trying to find out you and enjoy each day as the last one.

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive was directed by David Lynch in 2001. This movie exhibits elements of film noir and surrealism.

The story may not be linear and exhibits several instances of temporal disruption. After a car accident in Mulholland Drive, a dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) escapes her own murder. Then she sneaks into an apartment, where an aspiring actress named Betty Elms is arrivingfrom Canada. The dark-haired woman, who assumes the name "Rita" is amnesic, so Betty decides to assist her in discovering her identity.

The next part of the film introduce two important characters: a Hollywood director named Adam Kesher, who is directing a film where Camilla Rhodes is the star. Other character is a mysterious figure called The Cowboy.

Betty and Rita try to learn more about her accident and Rita remembers the name "Diane Selwyn". Latter on they go to Selwyn's apartment; and fin her died. This night they discover that are lesbians and make love, then go to Club Silencio where performer explains in several languages that everything is an illusion. Betty finds a blue box in her purse that matches Rita's key. Upon returning to the apartment to open the box, Betty disappears, and Rita unlocks the box, and it falls to the floor with a thump.

The Cowboy appears in the doorway of Diane Selwyn's bedroom saying, "Hey, pretty girl. Time to wake up." Diane Selwyn wakes up in her bed. She looks exactly like Betty, and is in love with Camilla Rhodes, who seems like Rita. Camilla is in love with Adam Kesher and they are goig to get marry.

Apparently, Diane is paying to a man to kill Camilla. The man tells Diane that when the job is done, she will find a blue key. When this happens, she shoots herself.

This movie is really amazing and it’s necessary that you keep your attention in each one of the details in order to understand it. However, after watching the movie, you will have a lot of doubt.
If you want to get some clues, you could access to the official web page:


The story takes place in 2035, in a world filled with robots. Del Spooner (Will Smith) is a Chicago Police homicide detective, who hates robots. Del is sent to investigate the death of Dr. Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell), a scientist at U.S. Robotics, who fell out of an office window, an apparent suicide. Del has an uneasy feeling that his friend Lanning was murdered, and he needs to find out who did it and why. With the help of Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan), the company psychologist, they both try to find answers to the mystery. Del believes that a new NS-5 robot, Sonny (voice of Alan Tudyk), killed Lanning, which means the robot broke the Law of Robotics. If this is true, the mass distribution of NS-5 robots will be stopped, and it will hurt U.S. Robotics. Someone in the company does not want this to happen and tries to stop.

This film, show our lives in the near future with the technology and development in the science, robots are a reality right now. This movie is of fiction science, but is not far or the reality, for example, Asimo, a robot create by Toyota is one of the most great robots in the world. He can to run, sit, and serve a cup of coffee, even playing a violin and to dodge obstacles.
Robots like Asimo, is a new generation of mechas, but many companies, in their line of production are using robots for to be more competitive in the global market. In the other hand, rich families already have in their homes, mechas that makes some kind than in the past it did housewife.

The technology and science show a new form of live, creating artificial intelligence and artificial brains. Despite of I Robot, show the rules for the robots behavior, that three laws, not is functional in the reality, we don’t know what could happen if an intelligent robot was in the streets walking like a real human, he could attack to the humans…
Other important topic is linked with the feelings, until what point a robot could be able of to develop feelings respect of others mechas or respect the humans, can you imagine a couple of lovers where a boy is a human and the girl is a robot? This situation is complicated but the scientist forecast around 2050, we are going to have a society between humans and mechas.

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