Sunday, November 30, 2008


LearnEnglish Professionals

A financial trader talks about the stresses of his job and how he beats it.

Interviewer: So why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful?

Financial trader: Stress is generally driven by the feeling of er being out of control of a situation and the feeling of a situation controlling you. Trading financial markets combines both these scenarios. Your erm financial position can change in a matter of seconds and what changes that position is generally a situation beyond your control as a trader. It is possible to lose in… in seconds what may have taken you a year to make. It’s the feeling of uncertainty, being out of control that causes the stress.

Interviewer: How do you relax in the evening?

Financial trader: I very rarely do anything work related so it’s easy to escape 'The markets'. I generally go to the gym or go for a run, especially if I’ve had a bad day. I always cook a meal rather than have a take-away to do something my brain would regard as creative. I find it quite therapeutic! More often than not I will watch some TV before going to bed as I find it helps me to wind down. If I go to bed straight after work it’s harder to sleep.

Interviewer: What do you do to beat stress at the weekend?

Financial trader: I like to be busy and active. I like the feeling of having achieved something over the weekend and it being productive. I definitely don't like wasting days. Most weekends are a mixture of household jobs like fixing something, shopping or gardening and socializing with friends. I also go to watch Arsenal at least once a week.

Interviewer: Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress?

Financial trader: I don't think there is a specific rule about how to beat stress. I generally find that what I do is effective for me.

Interviewer: Would you consider changing your job because of the high stress factor?

Financial trader: I have considered leaving my job due to stress related factors. I do however think that an element of stress is a good thing and if used the right way can er actually be a positive thing. It can lead to a change in direction, erm success and, and stimulate you to do something new.

Interviewer: What do you enjoy about the stressful aspects of your job?

Financial trader: Having said all that, I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty. It keeps you on your toes! I enjoy a mental challenge. Trading triggers a very wide range of emotions second by second. How you deal with and manage those emotions dictates short, medium and long term trading performance and success.

Interviewer: Do you become less stressed the longer you do the job or does it become more stressful as you go on?

Financial trader : I would say it remains constant. The source and the nature of the stress changes and how you deal with it changes due to experience, but, but, it's always there.
The United Kingdom’s international organization for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity

Beating_Stress Adela Rubio

Thursday, November 27, 2008


The perception of insecurity is still a serious problem in the Mexico. The majority of people surveyed said that insecurity is still the main problem in poor countries, as they believe that there is a high or very high possibility that they could become a crime victim.
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico as is the case for many other Latin American. Drug trafficking and organized crime has also been a major source of violent crime in Mexico.
Mexico has experienced increasingly high crime rates, especially in major urban centers. The country's great economic polarization has stimulated criminal activity in the lower socioeconomic strata, which includes the majority of the country's population. Crime continues at high levels, and is repeatedly marked by violence, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Michoacán and the state of Sinaloa.
As we know, there is nothing more precious than family safety and unity. The better the communication that exists among all members of your family, the more prepared everybody will be to prevent crime. Children are exposed to easily preventable dangers if they are not properly trained by their parents. Here we have some of the most important recommendations that you will teach to your children, using this security recommendations you can be sure that you will better protect your children, whether they are at home or around town.
Children, as well as domestic employees, must be taught never to admit strangers into your home or car.
Very visibly list your local emergency numbers near your telephones and on the refrigerator.
Starts by listing your own work phone, cellular number, remember that The Mexico City Police can be reached by dialing 060 or 061; this includes fire and ambulance service.
Children and domestic employees must be able to provide - in case of an emergency - their names, complete home address, district and delegation, and phone number. They should memorize this information.
When answering the phone, instead of providing their names, children and employees should say "Bueno," or hello. Ask "¿Con quién quiere hablar?" ("Who do you want to speak to?") Never volunteer your address or the names of anyone that lives with you.
Teenagers must be told that the use of drugs in Mexico is strictly forbidden and that drug laws are firmly enforced. Mexico has the largest population anywhere in the world (other than the U.S.) of foreign prisoners serving sentences for drug crimes. Impress these facts on them.
Warn teenagers against clubs that serve alcohol to minors, and also of the risk of being served drugs mixed with their drinks. Most kids nowadays are internet-educated.
Three rules apply here:
First, they should never agree to meet anybody they met via the internet, no matter what age they claim to be.
Second, they should never disclose details about their physical location, unless it is with people they know and trust.
Third, they should report anything that is disturbing or offensive in the internet to their parents. Emergencies and Your Neighbors the more well-known you become with your neighbors the better। should your home, children or leased property ever be in any danger and these people will prove invaluable. They may extend a helping hand or simply notify you of suspicious activity.
Now another important point, is the security in our home, our house has to be secure. Crime prevention at home is its own unique area of security specialization. The more attention you give this issue now, the more capable you will be in preventing problems in thefuture.Before you move in to your new place, it is important that you conduct a survey of potential security improvements you can make to your residence, whether it is an apartment or a house. Make a copy of the list below to assist you. If these improvements are found to be necessary, then your employer may be able to require the landlord to make them, preferably before the lease is signed.Physical barriers. Check that security bars on doors or windows are in good condition. Examine other deterrents to illegal entry that exist on the premises, including door and window locks.Perimeter security, including the use of guards. A dog can be useful for additional intruder detection.Communications. Whether in the form of a cellular phone, land line or radio, dependable communication is essential in the event of an emergency.Alarms may be useful. However, they require continued maintenance and are not always reliable.Become familiar with your neighborhood. Identify your closest emergency services and make sure all family members know what to do and are familiar with dialing procedures to ask for medical assistance or police.Domestic Employees this is an area that requires special attention in residential security. When hiring domestic help, we recommend that, whether or not the employee comes from a reputable company or via a reliable friend, you ask for his/her date and place of birth, home address, telephone number, and the names of close relatives who you could call in case of an emergency. Also, insist that employees provide letters of recommendation that cover at least 5-7 years of prior work experience. Make sure that you call or write to the previous employers to confirm these references. Also, you should ask the people giving the references for suggestions on how to establish a good rapport with the employee.Domestic employees will become a vital part of your family and, the better informed you are about their past, the more peace of mind you will have when you leave your family and property in their care. Treating them as a family member will facilitate this, so create the means for better communication. Tell them what you like and dislike and your policy on visitors. In your absence, they need input from you on how to react, and how to assist your children, in case of an emergency. They must have crime prevention in mind if your children are under their responsibility.
At the present time the insecurity has been increasing the drug traffickers have been taking over our city each time we hear more cases of murders and kidnappings in which the majority of the people are young. Because of this, there have been some recommendations from the Municipal Police Department have been issuing some Security recommendations, which we share below:
If you mark the high unit of the Army, or AFI PFP: 1. Lower the speed of your vehicle 2. Lights flashing lights for the 'alert' that will address the so-called 3. Light turns on the interior and put your two hands on the wheel visibly 4. Bring in your vehicle only things needed to do more quickly review 5. Cooperate at all times with the federal forces and maintain calm 6. If there is Security Forces or Army Convoy in circulation, avoids possible to exceed these vehicles at high speed 7. Always brings identification in case you may be required 8. Avoid the main avenues in peak hours or peak vehicular If you mark the high unit with a recent model unknown armed commando (commonly Suburban, Tahoe, Durango) 9. Stop immediately, don´t run away, or try to evade the high, you can be confused and shoot, and (commonly these people (assassins) are not sure whether or not it is his victim, preferring to ensure the high marcarte and if that is what it is, ‘lift’ 10. Turn the light inside and put their hands up, keep calm, do not put on the defensive, as they 'go' to what they will and the lowest rate can irritate the unrest by making them lose their patience and thus 'act'. 11. Usually you are asked to sign you, do it without hesitation (remember that anything that fears nothing should) and show your passport or identification. 12. NO question or talk, answer what you ask no more talk of more. (Commonly: where you live? Do you do? Who is the vehicle? Etc.)13. Though it may seem incredible the assassins NEVER are mistaken to be safe that their victimizer is aboard the vehicle, in case of doubt, prefer to stop for sure. If you don´t be the person they let you go.14. Avoid exposing and possibly not leave late at night, if so, passes through places with traffic, and lighting systems. Avoid shortcuts. If these are near where a confrontation:
15.Tight soil and cover your head with both hands, if such a vehicle, throw yourself to the floor of the unit and seeks to protect children if they are you do not go out running of the unit, can be confused with a criminal fleeing the scene of the crime. 16. Something important to remember is that we must work together again in these revisions, because they are preventive and targeted guards our security. 17. Avoid exposing and possibly not leave late at night. 18. We hope that this situation is resolved soon, but while it lasts, Stay informed and vigilant at all times.19. Please share this information with staff that lack access NOTE: The civilian population is NOT the targets of these attacks, damage to civilians are caused fortuitously found at the sites confrontation. Your security is important to us, please follow the recommendations issued and recalled that in your house and your job.
These recommendations are primarily for young people who do not measure the consequence of their actions, and also have been attacking places like nightclubs, bars etc.
The following is an article which reported the acts that have recently happened in such places in deferments states of the Republic:
Last week, the day on October 4 Tiger alerted the authorities that a black van with tinted windows passed meters back of patrols every 15 minutes starting around 8pm, from that moment began to leave to spend a little patrols until recently quit, then almost at 2am, out of the van MING black doors opened, leaving her four Central Americans who went to two women at the point of shrapnel, one 19 and another 20, leaving them in that MING time, unfortunately still missing, reward for calling them, are daughters of middle-class family, the two families have received 2 packages until today, the first containing a little finger, the second contained the complete left hand, sliced from the wrist. Last Tuesday in the home straight to Cholula two black vans will move to shut down a Peugeot 306, was a family, the father of her disfigured face with the cache of machine gun, the mother had two stab wounds deep in the English and preventing could get standing, the child has been kidnapped in the same Peugeot stolen, the parents told the newspaper that everything happened so fast that they were unable or call 066 by cell phone, there is still no news of the baby. We all know that this cannot continue happening, we must be very careful, because we cannot go out and have fun with dens. LOS ZETAS Guerrillas are Central Americans from El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, etc ... are people who have participated in warfare, that means we have much experience in torturing people, using weapons and deal with the government. Like everybody, you know very well who they are and what is THE ZETAS its Modus Operandi, the latest news we have had to have been supported by the Police, Government of Puebla, so you have access to file federal returns as the dens, and other people, therefore there is a good eye on BARGUILAZO since, in this' dive 'very well know that children are literally, are easy prey, children of wealthy folks, THE ZETAS are well aware, have seen come out thence to girls under the age of 15 years, they know who rape, kidnapping and stabbed. BARGUILAZO to prevent this slaughter always check the bags of women seeking to remove cigarettes, using as a pretext because the new law ANTI-SNUFF, THE ZETAS enter the dens, who are carefully observed breaking the law, Bone, who are smoking, and the merged into the bathroom to pick back of knife, whether it is male or female, you say: 'Your violas the right of nonsmokers in the same way you break us to you' stop beating up unconscious, rape, drugs this has happened in several dens in Puebla like Boutique. Living with fear is NOT LIVE, but better to prevent In the UDLA I know some events that have been presented since it arrived in Puebla LOS ZETAS nearly two months ago. Not that much is true, but the step ... And abducted three boys, two of them in Angelopolis of 14 years and one in the crosswalk of the IBERO in broad daylight, and so many percent of the more affluent families of Puebla who are on a list to the government of Cholula hand to make chaos and in Veracruz, Monterrey and Tijuana. If you think that by being a family or people from middle class, upper-middle are acquitted, they are wrong! Last week we were in a notorious den of Cholula which they take the youth who they like, and those who violate see them because we do not have, if they go with a boyfriend or friends, everything is as easy as giving them a shot , And is the least of which are carried cell phones and all that, a kid from a well-known college in Puebla was maimed and his remains were thrown into the vacant spaces are located behind the dens of Cholula and a couple more had their throats slit, without Unofficial reports added. TIPS: 1. Be tolerant. If you're driving and you see someone who loves you come to exceed or, grab a hand, you do not know who he is, or why is his hurry. Stop fighting because somebody is encouraging the trafficking or because you're closed, better take a deep breath, count to 10, and RATE YOUR LIFE. 2. Be careful. Frequenting bars, clubs, dances tables, is no longer safe. Drug trafficking has taken over these places, and at any time can get to dive in and you're close. Better talk to your friends that frequent and begin to meet to have fun at the home of acquaintances. 3. It was humble. We know that we lack humility Poblano, PIPOPES us, we like to show off what we have and show that we are wealthy ... well, at least the majority. Well, this time asking us to stop being so. If you have money ... that good for you, but try not to yell at 4 winds with BMW or wasting your money in a restaurant, etc.. The zetas are very determined and really go around looking for people with money who can pay a juicy rescue. 4. be cautious. In these times to be brave has their consequence. If you see someone you know or are doing harm to someone where they have kidnapped. BUT ... you don’t talk by your cell phone or a local. Use a pay phone and spoke on anonymity. 5. It was nimble. If you're in your car in the middle of a shootout, down to the floor of the vehicle and cover your head with both hands, if you have children inside the car, take it, strong and cover him down with them. If you're walking and you go somewhere like shooting, do not go out running because you can confuse the better tight to the ground and cover your head with both hands. 6. It was smart. Drug trafficking also owns the dirty business, such as piracy. Stop buying piracy, but you reach the money to buy an original CD then go to an internet cafe and get your music, but do not buy CDs. pirates to buy it because supporting the economy of these individuals.
7. Are reserved. Shut your mouth in public places and not talk 'that crime in Puebla until you have the forelock!’... Or that 'you know where the zetas' ... that' you do something to stop crime '... no friends ... no longer know who got next to you on the restaurant, at a Mass in the park ... better reserve your comments and let the "authorities" do their job. 8. Be careful. If you have children who are not even of legal age and love to get out, it's time to ban the exits after 9 pm, the mob loves to operate at night, will give you breaks.9. It was suspicious. We no longer know who we are neighbors, who draw us talk or who are our customers. Better try not to socialize at the moment with people who do not know, we do not know what their intentions. 10. It was subtle. Post your photos on Facebook, Hi5, MySpace ... it's fun, but try not to publish photos from your last trip to Europe, or you’re lucky to have gone to support the Mexicans in the Olympics in China, or the convertible car that ... Until you bought on the internet are investigating the owners of the other and there are going to realize how you are going to ... you or your family. This post comes from Monterrey, Puebla and expected passage by traveling thousands of emails from people who live unsafe. Feel free to resend it and conscience to someone else, times have changed, if the authorities do nothing, we will have to start with this.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jealousy: Is it the same for men and women?

Everyone experiences the green-eyed monster. Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist and ‘Today’ contributor, explains why you feel jealous and how to control it
updated 3:26 p.m. CT, Fri., Oct. 27, 2006
Jealousy is an emotion all of us experience at some point in our lives. Who hasn’t felt the desire to have your loved one to yourself? Or been hurt when he appears to be devoting his time and attention to someone else? This is completely normal. But some of us seem to be able to control their green monsters better than others. Why?
People who feel secure and like themselves tend to be less jealous of others and less possessive of their partners, while those who have experienced abandonment or betrayal in their lives can become overwhelmed with jealousy. As children, they may have felt abandoned when their parents divorced, or they may have had parents who were emotionally unavailable. Or when they were growing up, they saw infidelity, so they may fear that their partners will always cheat, even if they have no cause to feel this way.
And people who feel deep down that they are not really a desirable person or partner, they may always think in the back of their minds: “I’ve got to hold on to them and keep control or they will leave me.” If you feel jealous, or if your partner does, it doesn’t matter. Eventually, jealousy will erode your relationship and destroy your marriage.
Jealousy is a way to exert control in a relationship. For example, many women will try to prevent their husbands from seeing or talking to certain people. This is not only impossible, but it can also be smothering. Sadly, many women live in fear that their husbands will stray and feel threatened when he spends time with his guy friends. Some women are even jealous of their husbands’ jobs, because when they’re not at home they’re not spending time attending to them. (Men can be jealous for the very same reasons.) What drives this insatiable jealousy? Insecurity! It is the woman’s belief if her husband, or partner, is not thinking of her every moment, then he doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. She feels vulnerable and afraid of being hurt or abandoned.
Some women struggle with the intensely jealous husband. Some men will try to control their wives’ every move. If a man doesn’t trust his wife and he wants her to constantly prove her love, he will eventually drive her away. She will simply be emotionally exhausted. (Once again, women can also be possessive of their mates.) Of course, her desire to get away from her husband to have some time to herself will make him even more controlling. It’s a vicious cycle. And often it ends the marriage. Sometimes a partner who constantly accuses the other of cheating will actually drive him, or her, into an affair. The thinking is that if they are going to “do the time,” then they figure they might as well do the “crime.”
There are two different views about the both the origins of jealousy and the different ways men and women experience jealousy. One school of thought is that jealousy is an adaptive evolutionary mechanism. Researchers in this camp have found that men tend to be more jealous about sexual infidelity, whereas women are more disturbed by emotional infidelity. Their reasoning is that men needed to know that their efforts to feed and protect their mates actually propagated their genes and not some other man’s. Women, on the other hand, needed to hold onto a man’s emotional love in order to be fed, protected, and sheltered.Another group of researchers found that culture had more of an influence on jealous behavior than evolutionary needs. They concluded that men and women tend to become most jealous over sexual infidelity, but they think that both of their jealousies are far more influenced by societal and family experience than by survival of the species.
Whatever the origins of jealousy, there’s no question that it can be both beneficial and destructive. If a woman feels a tinge of jealousy, she may work harder on having a healthy relationship with her partner. Or she could become so jealous that she becomes overly possessive or incredibly angry and eventually destroys her relationship. It’s all a matter of how jealous you are.
Getting control of your jealousy does not mean getting control of your partner, it means getting a handle on your own emotions. Here are some ways to find out why you’re feeling jealous:Uncover where it came from. Where was your jealousy born? Did your dad leave after your parents’ divorced? Or was your older sibling the clear favorite of your mother? Did your last spouse cheat on you? Figure out the situation that led you to feel so insecure about any partner.
Examine your self confidence. If you don’t love yourself, how can you truly believe anyone else would love you? Why don’t you like yourself and think about how to change your perspective so you can see yourself more accurately and positively.Stop enabling. If your partner is jealous, don’t allow him to control your behavior. Eventually, you will feel angry and resentful, and act out in ways that may make him feel even more insecure. Tell him calmly and nicely (not during a fight) that you love him, but he has a problem with jealousy and you are not going to operate under lock and key. Set fair ground rules. Everyone needs friends and interests outside her relationship. Discuss this openly and honestly with your partner and make some compromises about how much time you will spend with him. Don’t sneak around to get your time with friends. This will only make your partner even more suspicious and jealous. The more open and up front you can be, the better.Dr. Gail Saltz’s Bottom Line: Jealousy is an emotion all of us experience at some point in our lives. This is completely normal. But we need to be able to control our green monsters, so they don’t harm our relationships.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reviews (Third draft)

Jose Antonio
The Bucket List
Director: Rob Reiner
Starring: Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman,
Sean Hayes, Beverly Todd, Rob Morrow.
Genre: Comedy-Drama
Year: 2007
Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutes

Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have three months life remaining?

Edward Cole (Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Freeman) are two people completely different. Edward is a multibillionaire hospital magnate, who enjoys tormenting his servant Mathew, Carter is an amateur historian family man who wanted to become a history professor but now is working as a mechanic. They have only one thing in common, they’re dying of cancer. They met in hospital during their stance, they become very good friends and soon they will go on board in a globe-trotting adventure.


When you know you almost die, then loads of things come to you mind, you want to do anything that you can but how? This situation is very strange and nobody wants to be in that, the perception of life changes radically, we become more sensitive, we start thinking about everything. Nobody wants to die, all those ill persons have to live their last life in the happiest way they can.
This is a film with a special message about friendship, find enjoy each day as the last one.

Mulholland Drive

Director: David Lynch
Starring: Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring, Justin Theroux, Ann Miller
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Year: 2001
Runtime: 146 min.

After a car accident in Mulholland Drive, a dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) escapes her own murder and sneaks in an apartment where she meets an aspiring actress named Betty Elms (Naomi Watts). The woman assumes the name "Rita" but she is amnesic, so Betty decides to assist her in discovering her identity. Later on they fall in love.

There are different stories: Diane Selwyn, who was found died; Adam Kesher, who is a Hollywood director working in a film where Camilla Rhodes is the star; an enigmatic figure called The Cowboy, a man who works killing people and the Club Silencio. Finally they all are mysteriously joined.

In the end, the character’s roles are exchanged and you discover the real identity of each one. Nothing was as it seemed, but you don’t know how it is possible.

This movie exhibits elements of surrealism and mixes dreams and reality. The time is not lineal and has several instances of temporal disruption.

Mulholland Drive is really amazing and it’s necessary that you keep your attention in each one of the details in order to understand it. However, after watching the movie, you will have a lot of doubt.
If you want to get some clues, you could access to the official web page:
and also this fans web

Director: Alex Proyas
Starring: Will Smith, James Cromwell, Bridget Moynahan.
Genre: Science Fiction.
Year: 2004
Runtime: 1 hour, 46 min.
The story takes place in 2035, in a world filled with robots. Del Spooner (Will Smith) is a Chicago Police homicide detective, who hates robots. Del is sent to investigate the death of Dr. Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell), a scientist at U.S. Robotics, who fell out of an office window, an apparent suicide. Del has an uneasy feeling that his friend Lanning was murdered, and he needs to find out who did it and why. With the help of Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan), the company psychologist, they both try to find answers to the mystery.


The technology and science show a new form of live, creating artificial intelligence and artificial brains, showing the rules for the robots behavior, that three laws, not is functional in the reality, we don’t know what could happen if an intelligent robot was in the streets walking like a real human, he could attack to the humans…

Other important topic is linked with the feelings, until what point a robot could be able of to develop feelings respect of others mechas or respect the humans, can you imagine a couple of lovers where a boy is a human and the girl is a robot? This situation is complicated but the scientist forecast around 2050, we are going to have a society between humans and mechas.


The perception of insecurity is still a serious problem in the Mexico. The majority of people surveyed said that insecurity is still the main problem in pur country, as they believe that there is a high or very high possibility that they could become a crime victim.
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico as is the case for many other Latin American. Drug trafficking and organized crime have also been a major source of violent crime in Mexico.
Mexico has experienced increasingly high crime rates, especially in major urban centers. The country's great economic polarization has stimulated criminal activity in the lower socioeconomic strata, which includes the majority of the country's population. Crime continues at high levels, and is repeatedly marked by violence, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Michoacan and the state of Sinaloa.
As we Know, there is nothing more precious than family safety and unity. The better the communication that exists among all members of your family, the more prepared everybody will be to prevent crime. Children are exposed to easily preventable dangers if they are not properly trained by their parents. Here we have some of the most importante recommendations that you will teach to your children, using this security recommendations you can be sure that you will better protect your children, whether they are at home or around town.
Children, as well as domestic employees, must be taught never to admit strangers into your home or car.
Very visibly list your local emergency numbers near your telephones and on the refrigerator.
Start by listing your own work phone, cellular number, remember that The Mexico City Police can be reached by dialing 060 or 061, this includes fire and ambulance service.
Children and domestic employees must be able to provide - in case of an emergency - their names, complete home address, colonia and delegación, and phone number. They should memorize this information.
When answering the phone, instead of providing their names, children and employees should say "Bueno," or hello. Ask "¿Con quién quiere hablar?" ("Who do you want to speak to?") Never volunteer your address or the names of anyone that lives with you.
Teenagers must be told that the use of drugs in Mexico is strictly forbidden and that drug laws are firmly enforced. Mexico has the largest population anywhere in the world (other than the U.S.) of foreign prisoners serving sentences for drug crimes. Impress these facts on them.
Warn teenagers against clubs that serve alcohol to minors, and also of the risk of being served drugs mixed with their drinks.Most kids nowadays are internet-educated.
Three rules apply here:
First, they should never agree to meet anybody they met via the internet, no matter what age they claim to be.
Second, they should never disclose details about their physical location, unless it is with people they know and trust.
Third, they should report anything that is disturbing or offensive in the internet to their parents.Emergencies and Your NeighborsThe more well-known you become with your neighbors the better। Should your home, children or leased property ever be in any danger, these people will prove invaluable. They may extend a helping hand or simply notify you of suspicious activity.
Now another important point, is the security in our home, our house has to be secure. Crime prevention at home is its own unique area of security specialization. The more attention you give this issue now, the more capable you will be in preventing problems in the future.
Before you move in to your new place, it is important that you conduct a survey of potential security improvements you can make to your residence, whether it is an apartment or a house. Make a copy of the list below to assist you. If these improvements are found to be necessary, then your employer may be able to require the landlord to make them, preferably before the lease is signed.
Physical barriers. Check that security bars on doors or windows are in good condition. Examine other deterrents to illegal entry that exist on the premises, including door and window locks.
Perimeter security, including the use of guards. A dog can be useful for additional intruder detection.
Communications. Whether in the form of a cellular phone, land line or radio, dependable communication is essential in the event of an emergency.
Alarms may be useful. However, they require continued maintenance and are not always reliable.
Become familiar with your neighborhood. Identify your closest emergency services and make sure all family members know what to do and are familiar with dialing procedures to ask for medical assistance or police.
Domestic EmployeesThis is an area that requires special attention in residential security. When hiring domestic help, we recommend that, whether or not the employee comes from a reputable company or via a reliable friend, you ask for his/her date and place of birth, home address, telephone number, and the names of close relatives who you could call in case of an emergency. Also, insist that employees provide letters of recommendation that cover at least 5-7 years of prior work experience. Make sure that you call or write to the previous employers to confirm these references. Also, you should ask the people giving the references for suggestions on how to establish a good rapport with the employee.
Domestic employees will become a vital part of your family and, the better informed you are about their past, the more peace of mind you will have when you leave your family and property in their care. Treating them as a family member will facilitate this, so create the means for better communication. Tell them what you like and dislike and your policy on visitors. In your absence, they need input from you on how to react, and how to assist your children, in case of an emergency. They must have crime prevention in mind if your children are under their responsibility.


There is nothing more precious than family safety and unity। The better the communication that exists among all members of your family, the more prepared everybody will be to prevent crime. Children are exposed to easily preventable dangers if they are not properly trained by their parents. By following these recommendations you will better protect your children, whether they are at home or around town.

Safety tips and security recommendations for kids
  • Children, as well as domestic employees, must be taught never to admit strangers into your home or car।
  • Very visibly list your local emergency numbers near your telephones and on the refrigerator। Start by listing your own work phone, cellular number and the name and number of your pediatrician and hospital. The Mexico City Police can be reached by dialing 060 or 061, this includes fire and ambulance service.
  • Children and domestic employees must be able to provide - in case of an emergency - their names, complete home address, colonia and delegación, and phone number। They should memorize this information.
  • When answering the phone, instead of providing their names, children and employees should say "Bueno," or hello। Ask "¿Con quién quiere hablar?" ("Who do you want to speak to?") Never volunteer your address or the names of anyone that lives with you.
  • If you live in an apartment building, show children all the evacuation routes and what to do in case of an emergency।
  • Teenagers must be told that the use of drugs in Mexico is strictly forbidden and that drug laws are firmly enforced। Mexico has the largest population anywhere in the world (other than the U.S.) of foreign prisoners serving sentences for drug crimes. Impress these facts on them.
  • Warn teenagers against clubs that serve alcohol to minors, and also of the risk of being served drugs mixed with their drinks.

    Most kids nowadays are internet-educated। Three rules apply here:
  • They should never agree to meet anybody they met via the internet, no matter what age they claim to be।
  • They should never disclose details about their physical location, unless it is with people they know and trust।
  • They should report anything that is disturbing or offensive in the internet to their parents.
    Emergencies and Your Neighbors
    The more well-known you become with your neighbors the better। Should your home, children or leased property ever be in any danger, these people will prove invaluable. They may extend a helping hand or simply notify you of suspicious activity.

Crime prevention at home is its own unique area of security specialization. The well-being of those close to you cannot be over-emphasized. The more attention you give this issue now, the more capable you will be in preventing problems in the future. What follows is a summary of the most important precautions you need to take if your employer is not able to provide you with a professional to help you with residential security.

Before You Move In

Before you move in to your new place, it is important that you conduct a survey of potential security improvements you can make to your residence, whether it is an apartment or a house. Make a copy of the list below to assist you. If these improvements are found to be necessary, then your employer may be able to require the landlord to make them, preferably before the lease is signed. Alternatively, you could negotiate with the landlord if you are the direct tenant.

Ten Basic Precautions
These may include but are not limited to simple things such as:

  • Security lighting. This includes not only the house and its access points, but the building interior and front facade.
  • Physical barriers. Check that security bars on doors or windows are in good condition. Examine other deterrents to illegal entry that exist on the premises, including door and window locks.
  • Perimeter security, including the use of guards. A dog can be useful for additional intruder detection.
  • Communications. Whether in the form of a cellular phone, land line or radio, dependable communication is essential in the event of an emergency.
  • Alarms may be useful. However, they require continued maintenance and are not always reliable.
  • Property boundaries legally define the areas in residences or apartments that are yours to occupy as a tenant. Being aware of what is your leased property is important, especially when sharing common grounds with neighbors.
  • Parking is a very important consideration, especially in Mexico City. If you are moving into an apartment building, make sure you identify your assigned parking spaces and most importantly, make sure they are for your exclusive use. Assume you will be driving in and out at odd hours. Ask about accessibility.
  • Become familiar with your neighborhood. Identify your closest emergency services and make sure all family members know what to do and are familiar with dialing procedures to ask for medical assistance or police.
  • Make sure you establish your own simple rules for self-protection, such as keeping your drapes closed or leaving yard and perimeter lights on at night. Solenoid switches are available locally at a reasonable cost. These activate your lights at night and turn them off automatically when daylight appears.
  • Domestic Employees
    This is an area that requires special attention in residential security. We recommend that you review our Domestic Help in Mexico article in the Living Section for more information.
  • When hiring domestic help, we recommend that, whether or not the employee comes from a reputable company or via a reliable friend, you ask for his/her date and place of birth, home address, telephone number, and the names of close relatives who you could call in case of an emergency. Also, insist that employees provide letters of recommendation that cover at least 5-7 years of prior work experience. Make sure that you call or write to the previous employers to confirm these references. Also, you should ask the people giving the references for suggestions on how to establish a good rapport with the employee.
  • Domestic employees will become a vital part of your family and, the better informed you are about their past, the more peace of mind you will have when you leave your family and property in their care. Treating them as a family member will facilitate this, so create the means for better communication. Tell them what you like and dislike and your policy on visitors. In your absence, they need input from you on how to react, and how to assist your children, in case of an emergency. They must have crime prevention in mind if your children are under their responsibility.
  • Rapport with the Community
  • Your neighbors will normally identify you as a foreigner by the way you look, talk or act. This is something that is most likely unavoidable. Becoming a messenger of good faith or a true diplomat, so to speak, will help you gain their understanding and support, which is especially important in case you need to be notified of an emergency. Get to know your street grocery store owner, laundry manager, local market vendor, building attendant, even the garbage collector. All of the above people represent possible sources of help should you ever need it. Mexicans are friendly and supportive to most expatriates. Use this to your advantage.

    By Mario Gonzalez-Roman, a retired Foreign Service National Security Advisor to the United States Embassy, currently a private Security Consultant, columnist at


The perception of insecurity is still a serious problem in the Mexico. The majority of people surveyed said that insecurity is still the main problem in pur country, as they believe that there is a high or very high possibility that they could become a crime victim.

Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as is the case for many other Latin American countries. Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States. Drug trafficking has led to corruption, which has had a deleterious effect on Mexico's democracy. Drug trafficking and organized crime have also been a major source of violent crime in Mexico.
Mexico has experienced increasingly high crime rates, especially in major urban centers. The country's great economic polarization has stimulated criminal activity in the lower socioeconomic strata, which includes the majority of the country's population. Crime continues at high levels, and is repeatedly marked by violence, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, Nuevo Laredo, Michoacan, and the state of Sinaloa. Other metropolitan areas have lower, yet still serious, levels of crime. Low apprehension and conviction rates contribute to the high crime rate.
The high incidence of crime in Mexico has also poured across the border and influenced crime in the United States, aggravating problems including drugs, illegal immigration, and gangs. To combat this increasing problem, cross-border cooperation has increased between law enforcement agencies in the United States and Mexico in recent years.


(THIRD DRAFT----- TEAM: Addy, Elia and Jared)

We can find hundreds and hundreds of examples that prove the existence of the phenomenon of double morality. It’s possible and very probable that you (the reader!) are not only thinking about some imaginary instances but thinking about your own real-life examples, and it is even more probable that you (depending on your gender, religion, sexual preference, economic position, etc.) have been in the active side of your anecdote.

Try to ask to yourself HOW MANY TIMES did you act (or judge or even just say) in a way that you might condemn from an objective point of view (obviously, related to morality principles).
Try to ask to yourself WHY did you act the way you did.

In most of the cases... you wouldn’t know. The issue here is not only that you may be in denial and show no regrets, the issue here is that you can not remember how many times you have done that because it is so normal to you, it fits so well with your day-by-day routine, that you don’t even perceive this behaviour anymore.

About the WHY’S, well, you are a college student (at least this text is aimed to college students) so it means that you have a certain educational level, talking about Mexico this implies that you are more educated than the majority of Mexican people (actually, than the majority of Latin-American people) that your power of discernment is more developed and you can make, supposedly, more complex and accurated judgments. Now that you have beheld the greatness of your condition, the magnificence of your being, we can assume that your skills to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil and whatever are prepared to be used... and you are aware of that... the thing here is that even with this awareness you might not be able to answer the “WHY question” in a case in which you are the “attacker” and it’s quite probable that if someone points at your misbehavior you will justify yourself using arguments that you, in other situation, would consider encaging dead-end arguments. What I want to remark here is that you might learn some intellectual postures, that you might even support them, get excited when you talk about them and think “Yeah, the progress in action” but the reality is that you are not adopting those principles, you only support them in paper and worse, when someone questions you about your “beliefs”, the first answer you come up with is “Hey!, we live in a less developed country... those courses of action couldn’t be applied in Mexico”. Or, in other words, you like to talk, yes, but you don’t like to act... actually you like other people to act the way you want, driving yourself away from your own rules and playing the role of the Tyrant of Morality.

“What, Tyrant of Morality? Of course I don’t... I mean... I don’t even care about the others... they can do whatever they want... well, I do care about other people but... who am I to judge them? Maybe I would do the same they did if I were on their situation!” ... Which one is the optimal choice for you?

If you choose option 1... you will, probably, become an intolerant person. Choose option 2... you will become a grey-morality worshiper.

The problem with grey-morality (and some people think that being this kind of person is the most tolerant kind that exists) is that to qualify something of being grey, you have to understand first what is “black” and what is “white”... and once you’ve identified this, it would be irrational to choose grey if you already identified the white part, there is no way to justify your choice.

We have been talking a lot about you, now; we have to talk about double morality itself.

There is an essential difference between Double Morality and Hypocrisy. For example: a man who believes it is his right to have extramarital affairs, but that his wife does not have the same right holds a double morality standard. A man who publicly condemns extramarital affairs while maintaining his mistress is a hypocrite.

The double morality is not limited to power and dominance struggle between men and women (even those relations are the classical example of double morality standards in real life) it spreads to almost every aspect in our lifes and it does not only have effects on one-on-one social relations but reaches institutional levels acting in, for example, the University, the Administration (actually, affirmative actions would be some kind of double standard... of course, you can justify them through a history of oppression and slavery) the Catholic Church (female priests?).

Just to clarify terms: We will understand for “Double Morality Standards” the different kind of treatments that some people have to other people basing on certain characteristics that should not have effects on treatment.

In Mexico the greatest example of double morality is that a man that has relations with many women is call a handsome fellow or “Don Juan” but when a woman has relations with many men is considers a prostitute or easy girl.

There is a typical example in the families in which the sons claim for total independence, but they continue receiving money from their parents, in some cases until they were 40 years old.

In a global world we can see the double morality included in economics, in 2007 when one chemical products factory in Tarragona, Spain, had to close because it hurt the ozone layer, instead of the big Asiatic factories could continue working because this factories had a lot of request

You are probably able to see it in your own houses. If you have a sister or brother and their opportunities and treatment with your parents are different, so you are probably suffering or enjoying double morality depending on the place you have. This is another problem with double morality: it’s unfair for some people but you can take advantages of it or don’t you like to be treated better than others? Even if you are a “good” person with some values you may be treated better than others, if you are a man you have more opportunities of work than women in this society, if you have friends you probably apply different criterions to talk, to think and even to judge them. Do you see the real problem? We make judgments without analyzing or thinking why we are doing them, may be shaped by mass media or may be, looking for a psychological reason, you have inferiority feelings, as Adler would say, and you want to hide them by criticizing others or it’s just a projection, which according to Freud is a mechanism used when you can’t accept a characteristic you have and you see it in others, does it sounds like you? And we have many other psychological explanations but let’s stop here with reasons.

Now, we have to make a difference in order to understand double morality, because morality is different to Ethics. Since a philosophical point of view Ethics belongs to Philosophy because it’s an universal concept while morality is more particular; besides, Ethics is based on a concept of freedom and morality on good customs. So, should we be talking about double morality or about Ethics? May be it will be clarified if we think that we are talking about our own lives in a society which is governed by certain moral rules and political correctness. So isn’t this writing double moralistic? We hope not because we are not applying judgments in different ways, we are just trying to reflex in a society where reflection is the last thing we do because urgent things don’t leave time for important things.

Concluding, double morality is everywhere in all aspects of our life. We live with it, we accept it and even worse we enjoy it. How can we talk about sincerity in societies? How can we talk about personality?


The bad news is that kidnappings in Mexico are on the rise. Both Mexicans and foreigners are victims, because in Mexico there are 3 common types of kidnappings. Unfortunately, children are the most targeted group. Second, tourists and middle- or upper-class Mexicans are at risk for "Kidnapping Express," and lastly wealthy Mexican businessmen are also snatched and held for large ransoms.

Kidnapping Children
Children of middle-class or upper-class Mexicans, yet the problem does span all socio-economic levels, are too often stolen away from their families and homes. Kidnappers can work in sophisticated groups, following family members to learn routines or working with the help of hired domestic employees। This is why it is important to carefully screen all residential employees and to avoid flashy displays of wealth in public places.

The Kidnap Express
Kidnapping express is a rapidly growing crime। People are at most risk for this trap when hailing a taxi cab from the street. Once you are inside one of these unauthorized or "pirate" taxi cabs, anything can happen, because no one knows where you are or is held accountable for your whereabouts.

The most likely outcome of the kidnapping express is your credit card or banking account will be emptied। What criminals are most after are your credit cards, cash, jewelry, cellular phones and valuables, in that order. Once they empty your accounts and physically remove your possessions, they will normally release you. One increasingly disturbing spin is that the criminals may contact your family and not release you until a hefty ransom is paid.

Avoid this situation all together by using the authorized taxis lined up at taxi stands throughout the city। Best yet, request a secure taxi over the phone. This way your whereabouts are known by the taxi company. Also, if taking a taxi at night, call a friend to inform them of your whereabouts; also report to your friend the number of the taxi painted on the doors.

Kidnapping for Ransom
Kidnapping for ransom of people believed to be financially affluent (not that many foreigners are targeted) is on the rise। For the most part in Mexico City these gangs are professional and very well-organized. Lately, however, common criminals are also getting into this activity on a large scale.

Kidnapping of the rich and wealthy is a fast-growing crime। It is becoming much more common now in the states of Guerrero and Veracruz, and remains a problem in Mexico City as well. Behind these kidnappings are well-organized criminal gangs. In some cases the culprits are Mexican or international radical groups that obtain obscene amounts of money, in dollars or euros, from this activity.

The wealthy Mexican worried about his protection is normally escorted by private security guards and plans his moves carefully। However, the kidnapping problem is perpetuated because drivers, guards and security personnel are very poorly paid in Mexico. The lack of a living wage for these employees only makes the temptation to be lured in as an accomplish all the more irresistible.

A Tragic History
Due to a lack of quality police investigations or a trusted police presence, the number of kidnappings taking place in Mexico is showing no sign of decreasing। On the contrary, kidnappings are more frequently ending in tragic circumstances. In one instance a kidnapped girl was murdered, even after her father paid the negotiated ransom. The father alone engaged in a private investigation that led to the arrest of the criminals, as police officials only demonstrated ineptness in this specific case. In another case two kidnapped brothers were also murdered after ransom demands had been met. Private security negotiators collected their fees, despite the horrific circumstances. This case has outraged many people in Mexico.

Drugs and the Increase in Violence
Drugs destined for the United States are no longer making it across the border as successfully as in the past, especially after 9/11। Now, the drugs are remaining in border cities (i.e. Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, Matamoros) on a scale never previously seen. As a result narcomenudeo (street drug pushing) is now common in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Hermosillo, Monterrey, and other large cities. The use of drugs by kidnappers is believed to be behind the increasingly violent kidnappings.

Another important factor in this problem is the lack of control of firearms, most of these coming into Mexico illegally from the United States। The combination of drugs and firearms make the kidnapping problem particularly volatile। If we add to this unemployment, economic problems, rivalries among drug cartels and corruption, it becomes apparent that Mexico has a public safety problem growing at an alarming rate.

By Mario Gonzalez-Roman, a retired Foreign National Security Advisor to the United States Embassy.


Do you study at Ciudad Universitaria (University City) of the UNAM? It is supposed you know the History of that amazing place where you are studying, working or furthermore, because you are Mexican। Don’t you? You are on time to read a little about Ciudad Universitaria of UNAM, the place where you spend the most of your time everyday। Have you ever wondered when your school was built? Or maybe who painted the murals on some of the buildings in Ciudad Universitaria? In this article you will found some basic information that an university student, professor or worker of UNAM should know.

The old university was located since the sixteenth century in the Centro Histórico (Historic Center) of Mexico City, in the same place where later was built the Suprema Corte de Justicia। Mexican government-financed university in Mexico City, founded in 1551. The original university building, dating from 1584, was demolished in 1910, and the university was moved to a new campus in 1954. Between 1553 and 1867 the university was controlled by the Roman Catholic church. After 1867, independent professional schools of law, medicine, engineering, and architecture were established by the government. The university was given administrative autonomy in 1929. It offers a broad range of programs in all major academic and professional subjects. In Benito Juarez’s time, that seat was closed and the schools were established in some ancient buildings around the Centro Histórico, such as the Escuela Nacional de Medicina (Medicine National School) occupied the old Inquisition Palace, the Engineering School in the Mining Palace, the ancient Law School in the Santa Teresa la Antigua’s cloister, etc. When Justo Sierra founded the New University in 1910 where added others seats like the Saint Charles Academy, in other words the Architecture School, Philosophy and Letters School and Science School. The main idea of Justo Sierra was the “spatial unity” of the University. But it was until the middle of the 1940’s when the University Council argued about the construction of the CU. On December the 31st in 1945, the Congress approved the Law of the Foundation and Construction of CU. In its planning, CU was devised to be of use for 25,000 students, as well as professors and the staff work. However, CU has lost none of its functional character today, even tough now the Cu’s population it is over 150,000.

UNAM Identity

Coat of Arms
During Director Jose Vasconcelos term in office, the University received the current design of its coat of arms, which shows a Mexican eagle and an Andean condor, a two-headed bird, protecting a Latin American map, from Mexico's north border to Cape Horn, a representation of the unification of Latin America people: "Our new and old continent, predestined to include the fifth race, a cosmic race, melting those scattered, and offering unity."

Goya Cheer
The origins of the Goya cheer are a little bizarre. In the early 1940s, a very skinny boy, Luis Rodriguez, was attending Preparatory School, who through time became the most enthusiastic cheerleader. He was nicknamed "Palillo" (stick). Palillo arranged entrance to the theaters for some students, who preferred watching movies than going to school, with the movie theaters' supervisors. The movie theaters close to the Preparatory school were: Rio, Venus and Goya. When some students wanted to go to the movies, they shouted out Goya! That is the story behind the university cheer, which now all university members echo.


The University City ensemble
The Ciudad Universitaria ensemble was designed by architects Mario Pani and Enrique del Moral. The CU, as most people call it, rises up above a sea of volcanic lava, where the volcano Xitle, today extinct, engulfed 2,400 years ago, and has been instrumental in the major urban growth that Mexico City has known in the second half of the 20th century: since the beginning of its construction, avenues have come into being, others have been enlarged, like the Insurgentes Avenue, one of Mexico City’s most emblematic.
The Central Campus encloses in a main east-west axis and other secondary north-south axis: the Rector Tower in the center; The Central Library, The Philosophy and Letters School, The Law School, The Economy School and The Deontology School in the northeast; The University Olympic Stadium in the west; The Architecture School, The Engineering School, The Chemistry School, The Courts (built with stone like the ancient Mesoamerican pyramids) and Sports Fields in the southeast; The Humanities Tower II (The ancient Science School) and the called “Islas” in the middle; and finally The Medicine School in the East.
The Central Library is the main symbol of UNAM. The author of that beautiful building is a Juan O’Gorman’s work, who was architect and painter. The most important character of the Library is the huge mural that covers its four facades. That is, the building has four murals with these themes: The north wall tells about the Prehispanic Past, the south wall the Colony Past, the east wall the Cotemporaneous World, and finally the west one about the University and Modern Mexico. All the murals are made with multicoloured stones from different regions of the country.
Another symbolic building is the Rector Tower which has three painted murals by a famous Mexican painter, David Alfaro Siqueiros. These murals include the painting, besides the sculpture. Others knowing murals in CU are the one of the Medicine School by Francisco Eppens, the one in the Audience “Alfonso Caso” made by José Chávez Morado and the ones which are located in the Stadium, work by Diego Rivera.
The University Olympic Stadium used for the 1968 Olympic Games and the 1986 FIFA World Cup, resembles a volcano surging out the of the earth. Like other CU buildings, it was constructed with volcanic stone from the Xitle. It was designed by the architect Augusto Pérez Palacios. In addition to Diego Rivera decorated its façade with a high-relief multicoloured mosaic symbolizing the homeland, peace, university and sports.
The Central Campus provides a space for leisure. Its platforms, talus and staircases, and the opened spaces remind the Mesoamerican cities, such as Teotihuacan , Monte Albán, Palenque and many others.
Through the time, many buildings were annexed. For example, the Centro Cultural Universitario which includes the Sala Nezahualcóyotl, Psychology School, Accountancy and Administration School, The new Science School, The Political Sciences School, The CELE (Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras), The CEPE (Centro de Enseñanza Para Extranjeros), many Institutes, departments and museums like the Universum, the MUCA (Museo de Ciencias y Artes) and the new MUAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo).
The CU is a very big successful for The Mexican Plastic Arts owing to its wonderful architecture, sculpture and painting. The architecture of the Ciudad Universitaria is so admirable that all of those who are not students or are part directly of the University identify with it. Despite their mistakes, CU is an extraordinary construction, is an amazing place we have to learn to appraise and preserve.

Palacio de Minería
Under the care of UNAM's Engineering Faculty, this beautiful colonial Palace of Mining is located in the historical center of Mexico City। Formerly the School of Engineering, it has three floors, and houses the International Book Expo ("Feria Internacional del Libro" or "FIL") and the International Day of Computing Security Congress ("DISC"), among regular events. It also has a permanent exhibition of historical books, mostly topographical and naturalist works of 19th century Mexican scientists, in the former library of the School of Engineers. It has also several exhibits related to mining, the prime engineering occupation during the Spanish colonization. It is considered one of the jewels of Mexican architecture of its period.

Museo de San Ildefonso
A baroque building in downtown Mexico City, held the first schools that later became UNAM.

Casa del Lago
House of the Lake, in Chapultepec Park – a place devoted to cultural activities like dancing, plays and ballet. It also serves as meeting place for University related organizations and committees.

Martínez Sosa Sandra Yazmín
Muñoz Cinta Jesús Antonio
Rubio Benítez Adela
Group 605

Monday, November 24, 2008

Reviews (Second draft)

José Antonio
The Bucket List

Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have three months life remaining?

Edward Cole (Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Freeman) are two people completely different. Edward is a multibillionaire hospital magnate, four times divorced, who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal servant Mathew, Carter is an amateur historian family man who wanted to become a history professor but now is working as a mechanic. They have only one thing in common, they’re dying of cancer. They met for first time in hospital after both have been diagnosed with
cancer. During their stance in the hospital they become very good friends and soon they will go on board in a globe-trotting adventure.

Carter begins writing a "bucket list," things to do before "he kicks the bucket" or die. After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter thrown it on the floor. When Matthew comes in the next morning and picks it up with other things that are on the floor and showed to Edward. Then Cole reads it and pushes Carter by suggesting other things to do and despite the protest of his wife Virginia Carter agrees

The pair begins an all around the world vacation and during the trip they discuss about faith and family and learn things about each other while the days pass carter discover that he is feeling less in love with his wife and Cole is very sad by his estrangement with is daughter

This is a film with a special message about friendship, find enjoy each day as the last one.

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive was directed by David Lynch in 2001. This movie exhibits elements of film noir and surrealism. The story may not be linear and exhibits several instances of temporal disruption.

After a car accident in Mulholland Drive, a dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) escapes her own murder. Then she sneaks into an apartment, where an aspiring actress named Betty Elms is arriving from Canada. The dark-haired woman, who assumes the name "Rita" is amnesic, so Betty decides to assist her in discovering her identity. Later on they fall in love.

Rita starts to remember names like "Diane Selwyn" and the Club Silencio. There are two important characters: a Hollywood director named Adam Kesher, who is directing a film where Camilla Rhodes is the star, and a mysterious figure called The Cowboy.

The story changes drastically when a blue box and a key show up. From this moment, Betty seems to be Diane, Rita is Camilla and she is in love with Adan, so Diane wants to kill her and when apparently she gets his objective, she shoots herself.

This movie is really amazing and it’s necessary that you keep your attention in each one of the details in order to understand it. However, after watching the movie, you will have a lot of doubt.
If you want to get some clues, you could access to the official web page:


Will Smith stars as Detective Del Spooner in the high-tech thriller I, ROBOT, suggested by the book of short stories by visionary author Isaac Asimov. In the year 2035, technology and robots are a trusted part of everyday life. In this film, that trust is broken and only one man, alone against the system, sees it coming.
I, ROBOT employ spectacular visual effects innovations beyond any ever before put on screen to bring a world of robots to life. The character of Sonny, a special robot who holds the key to a murder -- and perhaps the survival of the human race -- represents the cutting edge in photorealism. Indeed, Sonny is the most realistic, emotionally complete, three-dimensional CGI character ever created on film.
This movie is directed by Alex Proyas (“Dark City,” “The Crow”), who creates an extraordinary future Chicago -- circa 2035 -- where robots are completely integrated into society. Bridget Moynahan stars opposite Will Smith, as the robot psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin. Bruce Greenwood plays Lawrence Robertson, the corporate head of U.S. Robotics, and Chi McBride portrays Spooner’s boss and friend Lt. John Bergin. Actor Alan Tudyk’s physical performance inspired the digital creation of the robot Sonny. James Cromwell plays the pivotal role of the brilliant and reclusive scientist Dr. Alfred Lanning.

The mix between technology and fiction is being a reality in our life, despite of the movie was located in 2035, is so difficult to think about the robots like Sonny, but for then, the most probably it’s the society is going to adapted living with several kind of robots.
But, the main topic in this film is the form of to create and interact with machines made for us. Maybe, in the near future, for 2050, when I was a citizen, I could to have a robot that is able of to drive, to cook, clean the house and that kind of things and never complains or claim for something.
But in the next years, even actually, people are in contact permanent with some kind of artificial intelligence. Many companies had been using machines and robots for the production of a good in the worldwide, and his workers must to hand it up for to become a part of a final product. So, we need to think about our reality and the development in this topic.

This Film is not already a science fiction, is a reality that is happening in the world. We need robots; we need technology and investigation for to create brains with feelings and intelligence. Whoever can to see this movie, and to think what could be our future for 2050.

The World’s Biggest Construction Projects
Page 1 of 1
Posted February 2008

Think redoing your kitchen is a headache? Imagine supervising one of these megaprojects. From the Panama Canal to the Yangtze River, the FP List looks at the most massive construction undertakings on the planet.
Guang Niu/Getty Images

South-to-North Water Transfer Project, China
Who’s building it: the Chinese government
Budget: $62 billion (445 billion yuan)
Estimated completion date: 2050
What it takes: 400,000 relocated citizens and a very thirsty northern China. Economic development in the North China Plain is booming, but its water supplies are falling short, far short. Desperate farming communities are digging wells as deep as 600 feet to find clean water, but the Chinese government has much more digging in mind. Drawing on an unimplemented proposal from Mao himself, the Communist Party has decided to divert water from the Yangtze—a southern river known for its rising tides—to the dry rivers of the north. If it is completed, 12 trillion gallons of water will flow northward yearly through three man-made channels whose combined construction is expected to displace almost 400,000 people. Construction is well underway for the east and central canals, but environmental concerns have kept the western route at the planning stage. The project’s $62 billion price tag also makes the South-to-North project by far the most expensive construction project ever in China. But having finished the Three Gorges Dam—a $25 billion project that has forced the relocation of more than 1 million people—China is no stranger to pricy megaprojects.

CityCenter, Las Vegas, Nevada
Who’s building it: MGM Mirage
Budget: $8.4 billion
Estimated completion date: 2009
What it takes: 200 million gallons of concrete and a spot on the Las Vegas Strip. MGM Mirage has filled in the last 76 acres of available real estate on the center portion of the Las Vegas Strip with the largest privately funded construction project in the United States. CityCenter, a multi-use plaza with three hotels, a casino, luxury apartments, and retail and dining facilities, will cover about 18 million square feet and may cost as much as $8.4 billion. But MGM is not the only one footing the bill. Dubai World, the state-controlled investment fund, dished out $5 billion for the project and now holds a 50 percent stake in the megaresort. Money hasn’t been the only price paid in this project—four construction workers have died in on-site accidents.

Panama Canal Expansion
Who’s building it: the Panamanian government
Budget: $5.2 billion
Estimated completion date: 2014
What it takes: 123 million cubic meters of excavated material and 3,000 ships that just don’t fit. Once a marvel of engineering, today’s Panama Canal is too narrow to fit 92 percent of the world’s shipping fleet through its passage. More than a quarter of the goods that are transported through its locks are carried on Panamax-size vessels—ships that are the maximum size that can fit through the canal. But in a project that broke ground—or canal bed—in the fall of 2007, the Panama Canal will soon be equipped with the world’s biggest locks, capable of handling most shipping vessels that are over Panamax size. Also, by adding a wider, deeper, and longer third lock lane to the existing two, the project will more than double the canal’s current effective capacity of 15,000 transits per year.

Crystal Island, Moscow
Who’s building it: Shalva Chigirinsky, oil and real estate mogul
Budget: $4 billion (98 billion rubles)
Estimated completion date: 2014
What it takes: 27 million square feet of floor space in the middle of the Moscow River and an eye for the extreme. In a city booming with petro-wealth projects, Crystal Island—designed to be the largest building in the world—is sure to grab most of the attention. Planned as a “city in microcosm,” this tentlike structure of steel and glass will, if completed, stand at almost 1,500 feet and house 900 apartments, 3,000 hotel rooms, shopping spaces, offices, an international school for 500 students, a major sports complex, an IMAX theater, and a system of solar panels, wind turbines, and naturally insulating winter gardens designed for energy efficiency. Throw in a few onion domes, and Crystal Island could replace Moscow altogether. Filling one of the few large-scale sites left near the city’s center, Crystal Island will sit on the Nagatinskaya, a large peninsula that juts into the Moscow River, less than 5 miles from the Kremlin.

Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International Airport
Who’s building it: the Chinese government
Budget: $3.65 billion (27 billion yuan)
Estimated completion date: Feb. 29, 2008
What it takes: 50,000 workers, 400 million gallons of concrete, and 1.1 million Olympic spectators. Beijing authorities are expecting at least that many visitors to the capital between Aug. 8 and Aug. 24, many of whom will arrive via the Beijing airport’s Terminal 3—what will be the world’s largest airport terminal. Designed by Foster & Partners, a team known for its monumental projects, Beijing’s newest terminal will cover almost 10.8 million square feet and resemble the back of a scaly dragon when viewed from above. Olympic planners hope the added megaterminal will be enough to support the expected increase from the airport’s current 1,100 flights daily to as many as 1,900 come Olympic season. And for Beijing, airport renovations are just the beginning. China plans to invest between $40 and $50 billion in work on roads and stadiums. Preparations also include a new subway, improved railway lines, and wheelchair-friendly renovations for September’s Paralympic Games

Sunday, November 23, 2008


On the southern edge of the central plaza of Palenque, set against a steep limestone hill, the Temple of the Inscriptions held a remarkable secret for centuries.
In 1948, Alberto Ruz investigated four curious stone plugs in the floor of the temple and discovered a secret passage filled with rubble. It took four long seasons to remove the rubble from the steep and slippery stairway that came to a landing then changed directions and continued on for 80 feet below the temple floor and 5 feet beneath the level of the central plaza.
Behind a triangular slab door, Ruz made a discovery that would change the world's view of Maya pyramids -- an amazing stone chamber that housed an elaborately carved sarcophagus and the remains of a royal person along with a multitude of jade and other artifacts. It was not until epigraphers learned to decipher the glyphs on the sarcophagus and the inscriptions in the temple above that these remains could be identified as Hanab Pacal.
It was Pacal himself who had this magnificent pyramid built and his heir, Chan Bahlum who completed it. The temple rises 75 feet high and the roofcomb would have added an additional 40 feet. This must have been an impressive sight from the northern plains, visible from miles away.
There are eight stepped terraces to the base of the temple, each banded with a molding that lends a horizontal line to the structure. A narrow stairway leads up to the temple.
The front of the temple is composed of five doorways separated by 5 piers. Chan Bahlum used these surfaces for stucco illustrations of his divine legacy. Each bas-relief carving depicts an adult presenting the young heir, who is shown with both human characteristics (with six fingers and toes that also appear elsewhere on adult portraits of Chan Bahlum) and divine attributes - such as the snake-like appendage in lieu of one leg and foot.
Inside the temple, two large vaulted chambers house three glyphic panels which are the second longest known inscription by the ancient Maya. Here is recounted the dynastic history of Pacal's ancestors.
A curious feature to this structure is a duct that runs from the tomb, up the sides of the interior stairs to the temple floor. Many theories have been proposed as to the purpose of this duct, such as being a channel for Pacal's spirit to communicate with his descendants during bloodletting rituals on the temple above. Based on the observation that during the winter solstice the sun appears to set into the temple, following the path of the interior staircase, I suggest that this duct provided a path for the setting sun to take directly to Pacal's remains.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


(SECOND DRAFT----- TEAM: Addy, Elia and Jared)

We would find hundreds and hundreds of examples that prove the existence of the double morality phenomenon. It’s possible and very probable that you (the reader!) are not only thinking about some imaginary instances but thinking about your own real-life examples, and it is even more probable that you (depending on your gender, religion, sexual preference, economic position, etc.) have been in the active side of your anecdote.

Try to ask to yourself HOW MANY TIMES did you act (or judge or even just say) in a way that you might condemn from an objective point of view (obviously, related to morality principles).
Try to ask to yourself WHY did you act the way you did?

In most of the cases... you wouldn’t know. The issue here is not only that you may be in denial and show no regrets, the issue here is that you can not remember how many times you have done that because it is so normal to you, it fits so well with your day-by-day routine, that you don’t even perceive this behaviour anymore.
About the WHY’S, well, you are a college student (at least this text is aimed at college students) so it means that you have a certain educational level, talking about Mexico this implies that you are more educated than the majority of Mexican people (actually, than the majority of Latin American people), it also means that your power of discernment is more developed and you can make, supposedly, more complex and accurate judgments. Now that you have beheld the greatness of your condition, the magnificence of your being, we can assume that your skills to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil and whatever are prepared to be used... and you are aware of that... the thing here is that even with this awareness you might not be able to answer the “WHY question” in a case in which you are the “attacker” and it’s quite probable that if someone points at your misbehavior you will justify yourself using arguments that you, in other situation, would consider encaging dead-end arguments. What I want to remark here is that you might learn some intellectual postures, that you might even support them, get excited when you talk about them and think “Yeah, the progress in action” but the reality is that you are not adopting those principles, you only support them in paper and worse when someone questions you about your “convictions”, the first answer you come up with is “Hey!, we live in a less developed country... those courses of action couldn’t be applied in Mexico”. Or, in other words, you like to talk, yes, but you don’t like to act... actually you like other people to act the way you want, driving yourself away from your own rules and playing the role of the Tyrant of Morality.

“What, Tyrant of Morality? Of course I don’t... I mean... I don’t even care about the others... they can do whatever they want... well, I do care about other people but... who am I to judge them? Maybe I would do the same they did if I were on their situation!” ... Which one is the optimal choice for you?

If you choose option 1... you will, probably, become an intolerant person and if you Choose option 2... you will become a grey-morality worshiper.

The problem with grey-morality (and some people think that being this kind of person is the most tolerant kind that exists) is that to qualify something of being grey, you have to understand first what is “black” and what is “white”... and once you’ve identified this, it would be irrational to choose grey if you already identified the white part, there is no way to justify your choice.

We have been talking a lot about you, now, we have to talk about double morality itself.

There is an essential difference between Double Morality and Hypocrisy. For example: a man who believes it is his right to have extramarital affairs, but that his wife does not have the same right holds a double morality standard. A man who publicly condemns extramarital affairs while maintaining his mistress is a hypocrite.

The double morality is not limited to power and dominance struggle between men and women (even those relations are the classical example of double morality standards in real life) it spreads to almost every aspect in our lives and it does not only have effects on one-on-one social relations but reaches institutional levels acting in, for example, the University, the Administration (actually, affirmative actions would be some kind of double standard... of course, you can justify them through a history of oppression and slavery) the Catholic Church (female priests?).

Just to clarify terms: We will understand for “Double Morality Standards” the different kind of treatments that some people have to other people basing on certain characteristics that should not have effects on treatment. It means that you apply moral criterions to a group in a stronger way than the way you apply them to others.

You are probably able to see it in your own houses. If you have a sister or brother and their opportunities and treatment with your parents are different, so you are probably suffering or enjoying double morality depending on the place you have. This is another problem with double morality: it’s unfair for some people but you can take advantages of it or don’t you like to be treated better than others? Even if you are a “good” person with some values you may be treated better than others, if you are a man you have more opportunities of work than women in this society, if you have friends you probably apply different criterions to talk, to think and even to judge them. Do you see the real problem? We make judgments without analyzing or thinking why we are doing them, may be shaped by mass media or may be, looking for a psychological reason, you have inferiority feelings, as Adler would say, and you want to hide them by criticizing others or it’s just a projection, which according to Freud is a mechanism used when you can’t accept a characteristic you have and you see it in others, does it sounds like you? And we have many other psychological explanations but let’s stop here with reasons.

Now, we have to make a difference in order to understand double morality, because morality is different to Ethics. Since a philosophical point of view Ethics belongs to Philosophy because it’s an universal concept while morality is more particular; besides, Ethics is based on a concept of freedom and morality on good customs. So, should we be talking about double morality or about Ethics? May be it will be clarified if we think that we are talking about our own lives in a society which is governed by certain moral rules and political correctness. So isn’t this writing double moralistic? We hope not because we are not applying judgments in different ways, we are just trying to reflex in a society where reflection is the last thing we do because urgent things monopolize our time giving us no chance for importan things.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reviews (First draft)

Jose Antonio
The Bucket List
Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have three months life remaining?

Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) are two people completely different Edward is a multibillionaire hospital magnate, a corporate tycoon, eccentric loner, four times divorced, who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal servant, and Carter is a mechanic but they have only one thing in common, they’re dying of cancer. They met for first time in hospital after both have been diagnosed with cancer. After meting in a hospital during their therapy sessions, they become very good friends and go on board in a globe-trotting adventure. Carter is an amateur historian and family man who had wanted to become a history professor. Both are diagnosed with a year or less to live. Carter begins writing a "bucket list," or things to do before "he kicks the bucket" or die. After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter thrown it on the floor. When Matthew comes in the next morning and picks it up with other things that are on the floor. Then Cole reads it and pushes Carter by suggesting other things to do and despite the protest of his wife carter agrees and then the pair begin their around the world vacations.

It’s unclear how carter has the money to solve his insurance with a mechanic salary but it doesn’t mid for Edward now is the time for “now or never” it’s time to do all the things they planned before the times up. They have a lot of work to do: go to the south of France and have some caviar, skydiving and drive vintage race cars, enjoy an African safari and have a lot of funs, this is a big challenge for two terminal ill men.

This movie I a good chance to have a little time to have fun and will make you laugh until the end. This is a good comedy about your last days before dying, what would you do? Go to a special place? What about doing things that you never attempted to do? Nobody has an insurance life we never know what the future is preparing for us, so, think about it.

This is a film with a special message: The true friendship and trying to find out you and enjoy each day as the last one.

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive was directed by David Lynch in 2001. This movie exhibits elements of film noir and surrealism.

The story may not be linear and exhibits several instances of temporal disruption. After a car accident in Mulholland Drive, a dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) escapes her own murder. Then she sneaks into an apartment, where an aspiring actress named Betty Elms is arrivingfrom Canada. The dark-haired woman, who assumes the name "Rita" is amnesic, so Betty decides to assist her in discovering her identity.

The next part of the film introduce two important characters: a Hollywood director named Adam Kesher, who is directing a film where Camilla Rhodes is the star. Other character is a mysterious figure called The Cowboy.

Betty and Rita try to learn more about her accident and Rita remembers the name "Diane Selwyn". Latter on they go to Selwyn's apartment; and fin her died. This night they discover that are lesbians and make love, then go to Club Silencio where performer explains in several languages that everything is an illusion. Betty finds a blue box in her purse that matches Rita's key. Upon returning to the apartment to open the box, Betty disappears, and Rita unlocks the box, and it falls to the floor with a thump.

The Cowboy appears in the doorway of Diane Selwyn's bedroom saying, "Hey, pretty girl. Time to wake up." Diane Selwyn wakes up in her bed. She looks exactly like Betty, and is in love with Camilla Rhodes, who seems like Rita. Camilla is in love with Adam Kesher and they are goig to get marry.

Apparently, Diane is paying to a man to kill Camilla. The man tells Diane that when the job is done, she will find a blue key. When this happens, she shoots herself.

This movie is really amazing and it’s necessary that you keep your attention in each one of the details in order to understand it. However, after watching the movie, you will have a lot of doubt.
If you want to get some clues, you could access to the official web page:


The story takes place in 2035, in a world filled with robots. Del Spooner (Will Smith) is a Chicago Police homicide detective, who hates robots. Del is sent to investigate the death of Dr. Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell), a scientist at U.S. Robotics, who fell out of an office window, an apparent suicide. Del has an uneasy feeling that his friend Lanning was murdered, and he needs to find out who did it and why. With the help of Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan), the company psychologist, they both try to find answers to the mystery. Del believes that a new NS-5 robot, Sonny (voice of Alan Tudyk), killed Lanning, which means the robot broke the Law of Robotics. If this is true, the mass distribution of NS-5 robots will be stopped, and it will hurt U.S. Robotics. Someone in the company does not want this to happen and tries to stop.

This film, show our lives in the near future with the technology and development in the science, robots are a reality right now. This movie is of fiction science, but is not far or the reality, for example, Asimo, a robot create by Toyota is one of the most great robots in the world. He can to run, sit, and serve a cup of coffee, even playing a violin and to dodge obstacles.
Robots like Asimo, is a new generation of mechas, but many companies, in their line of production are using robots for to be more competitive in the global market. In the other hand, rich families already have in their homes, mechas that makes some kind than in the past it did housewife.

The technology and science show a new form of live, creating artificial intelligence and artificial brains. Despite of I Robot, show the rules for the robots behavior, that three laws, not is functional in the reality, we don’t know what could happen if an intelligent robot was in the streets walking like a real human, he could attack to the humans…
Other important topic is linked with the feelings, until what point a robot could be able of to develop feelings respect of others mechas or respect the humans, can you imagine a couple of lovers where a boy is a human and the girl is a robot? This situation is complicated but the scientist forecast around 2050, we are going to have a society between humans and mechas.